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The first all-in-one solution for lifelong learning

Bedrock offers a social network that centers learning through the provision of courses, serious games, and open source intelligence streams.

Access all learning experiences from courses to games to intelligence streams.

Bedrock's topic view shows users the learning competency model. Each node in the competency model is connected to another.

Lifelong learning

Personalized and portable learning record with verifiable credentials.

A player playing Seven Empires. There is a chat window above the Seven Empires game board, which is of World War I Europe.

Social learning

Learn with professionals who share your interests and challenges who you would never meet without Bedrock.

A course completion certificate. Users earn these certificates for completing courses on Bedrock Knowledge. These courses can be shared digitally or printed.

Accelerate your career

Earn certificates and credentials to showcase your professional development.

Join the age of lifelong learning. Ensure that your team stays up to date and upskilled in a rapidly changing, complex world.

The org dashboard gives enterprise admins a God's eye view of their entire organization's learning. This shows where their learners are earning experience points, what their learners are doing, etc.

God’s eye view

Access a full overview of your workforce. See the state of play across your entire organization.

This screen shows analytics for an individual group at this organization. It tracks how much learning is happening for this group and in what areas.

Get the best out of your team

Novel analytics to surface hidden strengths and weaknesses and help you to inform human capital and talent retention strategies, promotion and selection decisions, and more.

Learning campaigns allow organizations to assign courses, intel, and games to learners. The org dashboard allows group leaders and admins to track progress.

Learning campaigns

Create learning campaigns tailored to your organization’s needs. Track your team’s progress towards their goals.

Bedrock Knowledge is a learning social network. This screen shows a discussion thread with multiple nested responses.

Social learning

Unlock the benefits of collaborative, social learning for your team. Benefit from discussions, Q&As, and real-time chat with colleagues and peers from other organizations.